News & Events

Adnan Shares Training Tips with GEARS I recently shared some endurance training advice with the Greater Eugene...
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Miller Makes First Cross Crusade Podium AES Athlete Mark Miller rode to a 3rd place finish at the Cascade Locks rou...
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Kennedy’s Great Weekend in The Gorge AES Athlete Ann Kennedy of the Cycling Team had a nice ...
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Tips for Athletes

Adnan Shares Training Tips with GEARS I recently shared some endurance training advice with the Greater Eugene...
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Vegetarian Diet and Sports Performance–Guest Post by Natalie Brooks of OptimaDiet There are many reasons people choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.&...
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How to Put on Your Vest While Riding ...
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VK Take podiums and a win over the weekend

A united Vanderkitten team took home some excellent results last  weekend.  AES athlete Jenn Reither and teammate Jazzy Hurikino achieved podium places on Saturday at the Strawberry Crown Criterium, finishing 5th and 3rd, respectively:


Hurikino (3rd) and Reither (5th) in Watsonville

The next day, the team worked like a well-oiled machine to bring back dangerous moves and set up the win for Emily Collins at the Pleasanton Fast and Furious Festival.  AES athletes Reither and Starla Teddergreen played critical roles in the garnering the team the win:


The Kittens on the podium at Fast and Furious in Pleasanton

The team are now preparing to be on top form for the Gateway Cup in St Louis in the beginning of September.

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